A crown is a natural-looking cover that fits securely over the entire surface area of a tooth, performing both a practical and cosmetic function. Crowns may be used to restore and preserve decayed, broken, or cracked teeth, while simultaneously covering imperfections and discoloration. Ultimately, crowns allow you to regain both the health and beauty of your smile.
Porcelain Veneers
An excellent alternative to crowns, veneers can perfect your smile by straightening crooked teeth, closing spaces between teeth, masking stains, hiding chips, and creating uniformity. Veneers are thin, extremely durable porcelain shells designed to slide over you teeth giving you an incredibly natural and long-lasting look that can last for many years, giving you a radiant, healthier smile.
Dental Bonding
A quick and beautiful alternative to porcelain veneers, dental bonding is among the most effective procedures for restoring health and beauty to your smile. The painless procedure involves placing a composite resin directly onto the enamel of a tooth that is damaged. Bonding makes teeth stronger and can also correct discoloration and close small gaps between teeth giving patients immediate results.
Dental Implants
Considered to be the most conservative approach to tooth replacement, dental implants have been proven to be comfortable, permanent, and attractive replacements for missing teeth. A dental implant is an artificial tooth root made of strong titanium which is placed directly into your jaw. A specially crafted artificial tooth is then placed onto the implant. A new dental implant looks, feels, and even functions like a natural tooth.
Tooth Whitening
Get more confidence in your smile by whitening teeth that are stained from coffee, soda, tea, and tobacco. To help restore your gleaming, bright smile, we at Alaska Comprehensive Dental Center are proud to offer our patients several advanced teeth whitening options. Whether you choose an in-office or at-home procedure, whitening will restore your smile to a youthful state.